Lerdal tunnel: why artificial caves were made in it

Perhaps the most original underground tunnel in the world is located in the southwestern part of Norway. This is not only the longest car tunnel on the planet, but also the most beautiful. The architects of the project tried to do everything so that travelers could remember for a long time this underground section of the road that connects Lerdal with Aurland. Today we will tell you why the Lerdal tunnel is interesting.

Norway can be called the country of tunnels, because there are more than 200 of them. The construction of the Lerdal tunnel with a length of 24.5 kilometers was completed in 2000, and today it is the longest such construction in the world. In order to overcome this underground section of the E16 highway, the driver needs about 30 minutes, and for the comfort of travelers, the project architects have provided several interesting solutions.

Without exception, all underground tunnels are roads with an increased risk of traffic accidents. This is primarily due to the lack of daylight, as well as free space for maneuvers. Many drivers in the tunnel experience psychological discomfort, in addition, moving in the conditions of monotonous concrete walls and insufficient lighting, a motorist can quickly lose attention.

To minimize driver fatigue while following the Lerdal tunnel, it was decided to divide it into four parts. Artificial grottoes were cut down on the border of these sections in the rock massif, where any driver can stop the car and relax. Each grotto has original lighting, different from the rest.

Thanks to an unusual engineering solution, a trip along the Lerdal tunnel does not depress travelers, but seems like a fabulous adventure, 24 kilometers long.

Watch the video: LERDAL TUNNEL, NORWAY (September 2024).

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