The photographer shows how the brain represents our ideal appearance.

In his recent Original Ideal project, photographer Scott Chasserot combines images created using brainwave scanners with real portraits of people to show interesting features of the human psyche. With a series of carefully thought-out photo manipulations and a brain scanning process, the author of the project hopes to get an idea of ​​how, ideally, in their own opinion, the characters of his shooting should look.

First, Chasserot captured every person who participated in the study in the most natural way - without makeup and clothes. Then, with the help of a photo editor, Scott changed the appearance of people, following the modern canons of beauty. He presented several options for their transformed portraits to the court of his wards, and special devices considered the brain vibrations of people, showing which image causes the most positive reaction.

Thus, now we can see what a person really looks like and how he wants to see himself.

Watch the video: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. Cameron Russell (September 2024).

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