The yellow sun and other statements that you need to stop believing in for a long time

There are many allegations, the truth of which few doubt. Today we will talk about some of them in our selection of popular myths and misconceptions.

Cell phones work thanks to communication satellites that are in orbit

In fact, the work of cell phones is carried out using base stations, which are located on high-rise buildings or special towers. And in case you need to contact a point located on another continent, then this happens with the help of underwater cables.

Yellow sun

In fact, the sun is white, and yellow is the result of the passage of light waves through the atmosphere of our planet. When in the evening we watch the sunset, the sun seems to us red. This is because the rays coming from the sun travel a greater distance through the atmosphere, and in this case the waves of red color reach us, and the yellow ones scatter, just like the waves of other colors.

All fish spawn

Actually this is not true. Of course, most species of fish spawn, but there are species that immediately produce live young. This is the majority of sharks and stingrays that belong to cartilaginous fish, as well as more than 200 species of bone fish from various families. Among aquarium fish, there are also many live-bearing species. The eggs of these fish are fertilized in the body of the female, and cubs develop in the same place.

Antibiotics are antiviral drugs

In fact, antibiotics are designed to fight dangerous bacteria, not viruses, therefore, against the flu, for example, they are completely useless. And to combat viruses, there are special antiviral drugs.

Veins and venous blood have a blue tint

In fact, the veins and arteries are about the same dark red in color, like the blood in them. Different light waves have different lengths. And a person perceives the color of an object only after rays of light are reflected from it. The crimson color of the veins consists of red and blue, but the fact is that the superficial tissues of the body absorb red and pass the blue color. Just we see it, so the illusion that the veins are blue is created.

Camels store humps of water in the humps

In fact, camels store in their humps reserves of fat and nutrients. But with the breakdown of fat cells, water is released just so much needed by the body during a prolonged lack of drinking.

A lie detector can pinpoint whether a person is lying or telling the truth.

In fact, this is not so at all. There are many ways to trick a “smart” device, and they are perfectly mastered, for example, by security officials. In addition, a lie detector, whose work is based on an assessment of the physiological response of a person, may incorrectly interpret the body's response in several cases. For example, if a person is in the stage of extreme exhaustion due to starvation or is deprived of a full sleep for several days in a row. In this case, the device will not be able to reliably determine the body's response to the question asked.

Sky blue

In fact, the sky only looks blue, grayish or reddish, depending on how the rays of the sun scatter. Blue radiation has a shorter wavelength, and it is more scattered in the atmosphere than other colors. During sunset or dawn, the light travels tangentially to the surface and travels a longer path, so most of the blue color is scattered, and red reaches the observer.

Sahara - the largest desert on the planet

This is a little false statement. The fact is that the Sahara is the largest sand desert, and the largest desert on our planet, practically devoid of animals and plants, is Antarctica. This is a huge icy desert, which occupies the whole mainland.

White sugar is bad and brown cane is good

In fact, sugar is not the most useful product for our body, in whatever form you use it. According to some indicators, brown cane sugar is more useful than traditional white sugar, but you should not abuse it. And even honey, which is a completely natural product, is worth eating in limited quantities, since an excess of easily digestible glucose leads to health problems.

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