14 very rare historical photos that will open the story for you in a new way

Did you also miss history lessons at school and missed these pairs at college? Not only to you this subject seemed tedious and uninteresting. All because of the dry submission of the "noble" official version and the huge number of dates that had to cram. Now we will make the story seem interesting to you, and its milestones worthy of looking for information about them on the Internet and telling your friends over a cup of coffee!

Junior John F. Kennedy in a presidential helicopter, 1963

"Hey mom, guess what!" First Philadelphia Pride Pride June 1972

Queen Elizabeth II, June 1940

Female snipers of the Soviet 3rd shock army, 1st Belorussian front, which destroyed 775 fascists

Twin Towers (New York) in the morning, one year before the end of construction, 1972

Soviet aircraft designers A.N. Tupolev and S.V. Ilyushin

Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding (29th U.S. President) and Garvey Samuel Firestone (founder of Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.)

Scottish soldiers, 1916

Japanese military baths during the Russo-Japanese War, 1904

Half-naked FBI agent brings $ 1 million to hijackers in 1972. In the future, the offender hid from the authorities for over 40 years

Shoe store, 1900

Civil war in the Republic of Biafra. Nigeria, 1968

Nagasaki before and after the atomic bomb, 1945

The dove sat on Fidel Castro’s shoulder during a performance on January 8, 1959

Watch the video: 40 MOST POWERFUL & RARE HISTORICAL PHOTOS VOL. 29 (October 2024).

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