Japan is crazy about new compatriot, Swedish bodybuilder gardener

We all love to travel, but most of us hardly dream of renouncing the citizenship of our native country. But the Swede Jacob Sebastian Björk so fond of Japan that he became a naturalized citizen of the Land of the Rising Sun. To do this, he had to renounce his original citizenship, since dual citizenship is contrary to Japanese law.

Now he proudly bears the name of Tatsumasa Murasame.

One glance is enough to understand that Murasame will not be able to get lost in the crowd of a Japanese city: a tall, muscular blond looks very exotic for Japanese everyday life. Today, Tatsumase, once a former bodybuilder, immerses himself in the unique Japanese culture and makes a career in horticulture traditional for the eastern country.

The stunning appearance of Murasame, his unusual act and amazing devotion to Japan and its people did their job: the Japanese are crazy about the new stately compatriot. The Swede was so fond of the local population that they began to shoot him as a model and was invited to a television show.

Watch the video: TeamKorea Chanel, Rangchu, Ulsan VS Team Japan Jayotaro, Double, Gen TEKKEN7 Phase1 (October 2024).

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