Valley of Love - the most erotic valley in Cappadocia

Cappadocia has many beautiful valleys, but the most interesting and popular is the Valley of Love. Why? Yes, because there are the most unusual rock formations in this region. They are here in Cappadocia, in principle, all unusual, but there are no more rocks like in the Valley of Love, probably nowhere else. Still, nature sometimes amazes with its creations.

The Valley of Love is located just four kilometers from the town of Goreme near the village of Kavusin. It turned out that not just a hiking trail was laid to this valley, but a dirt road, along which a passenger car or even a small minibus can drive. But I walk.

After 40 minutes of a leisurely walk, I reached my goal, and this is what appeared before my eyes.

The official name of this valley is Baglidere Valley, and that is how it appears on official maps. But in the world of tourism, this place is known exclusively as the Valley of Love! Why love? And look what these rocks look like? Doesn’t resemble anything?

Yes, in common people this place is also called the “Valley of the Phalluses”, and where the phalluses are, there is love ... Well, at least that's what they think here in Turkey.

Everything, of course, is beautiful, but HOW did these bizarre mushrooms form? Let's get it right.

The official version says that earlier this whole place was under water, except for the tops that protruded from it. Water washed the lower part and eventually disappeared, but the rocks remained standing on their turned legs. But then why are they only in this place? Why didn't water do the same in neighboring valleys? And why are the "heads" at different heights?

Maybe aliens did it? Arrived and instructed the ancient inhabitants of Cappadocia phallic lingams for worship?

Or maybe it was the Cappadocians themselves who cut them out of the rocks and came up with a beautiful legend to attract tourists?

One way or another, they stand here and delight visitors with their unusual appearance. And for cool photo shoots, the best place in Cappadocia simply can not be found. Try to google pictures of tourists from this place as soon as the people are not perverted)))

Basically, the phallus mountains stand separately from each other, but they also come across fused into one huge castle. Although, maybe this is an ancient castle?

There are many tourists here, and some enterprising Turk built a small cafe here where you can relax, drink tea, have a snack and even buy souvenirs.

And I decided to go further, because the hiking trail leads several kilometers further to the city of Uchisar.

But after a couple of hundred meters, the “phalluses” ended and the usual smooth Cappadocian rocks began.

And it has already begun White Valley, so named because of the whiteness of its mountains. It’s also beautiful, but I liked the “mushroom clearing” more.

So I decided to return to the Valley of Love and take a picture there. In addition, I did not want to scrub along the overgrown gorge to Uchisar (in which I was already) today.

Here it is - the legendary Cappadocian Valley of Love, and if you are in these parts, be sure to look at this miracle of nature. Moreover, it is not necessary to walk to this valley, like me, but you can quickly and comfortably take a taxi.

Watch the video: You Are Holy - Nick Lewis (October 2024).

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