16 amazing facts about Sweden

This Scandinavian country, located in the north of Europe, is widely known for its good ecology, high standard of living and excellent education. However, Sweden has many other very interesting features. Consider the most amazing of them.

High school students in Sweden pay $ 187 each month for going to school

Since 1979, any corporal punishment of children has been prohibited in the country.

There is a golf club in the country, which is located on both sides of the Swiss and Finnish borders, so the holes on its field are located in two countries at once

Coffee experiment of King Gustav III of Sweden

At the end of the 18th century, the Swiss king decided to prove that coffee negatively affects the human body. The experiment was attended by two twin prisoners who were facing the death penalty. Their sentence was commuted to life imprisonment, provided that one of the brothers would have to drink three cups of coffee a day, and the other three cups of tea. The king wanted to see which of them would live longer, but did not find the end of the experiment, since he was killed in 1792. And the result was not at all what Gustav III expected; after all, the twin who had been drinking coffee, not tea, had lived longer.

The Abba group wore eccentric outfits to get away from taxes

They did not fit into the category of casual wear, which means they were written off as costs for suits.

In Sweden, copyrimism is recognized as one of the official religions.

Since Sweden has already run out of its own garbage - all waste is recycled here - the country brings it from Norway

Swedish women can terminate a pregnancy if they want a different sex

Sweden is one of the countries where foreigners can study for free at the university.

In this country, both parents can take paid leave to care for a newborn baby, it lasts 480 days

Charles XIV, being the king of Sweden, had on his body a tattoo in the form of an inscription that literally translated from French as “Death to the Kings”

In Sweden, advertising is prohibited for children under the age of 12

Citizens of Sweden, as well as Finland and the UK, have the right to visa-free entry to almost any country

English is spoken by 89 percent of Sweden

Swedish became official in this country only after 2009

87 percent of Swedes have completed secondary education

In Brazil, for example, only 43 percent of adults have such a result.

Watch the video: 17 Weird Things Swedish People Do !! culture fun facts (September 2024).

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