Rest in the winter. What is most important?

Going on a vacation abroad during the winter season, in addition to the right mood, passport and wallet, do not forget to take out travel insurance. The coveted policy can not only protect your health, but also save it. At the same time, different countries have their own characteristics. It is important to know them and use insurance effectively.

Travel insurance to Italy: instructions for use

It is impossible to obtain an Italian visa without insurance - this rule is formulated in Article 15 of the EU Visa Code. Even with a valid visa, do not be tempted to save on insurance - any border guard may express a desire to look at your policy and refuse entry if it is absent. But the point is not even that! Insurance coverage extends for the entire stay, and the amount of insurance coverage is at least 30,000 euros, which in case of emergency can save your health, or even save your life.

What unobvious dangers can await a happy tourist in the midst of the New Year holidays? From the statistics of the Allianz insurance company we see such a hit parade:

  • Food poisoning. In dreams of ravioli, risotto, pizza and other components of the wonderful world of Italian cuisine, do not forget about the rules of hygiene, avoid establishments with a dubious rating, especially there are doubts about neglecting the institution's sanitary standards.
  • Injuries. Take care of yourself and observe safety during skiing while admiring the inexpressibly picturesque Alps. Despite the fact that Allianz has the best assistance in the ranking of Italy, and in the Alps there are many good clinics, it is more reasonable to minimize the risks of accidents. And for fans of extreme sports, the most important thing is not to forget to include additional insurance coverage in this regard.
  • Theft and fraud. When hunting for Gucci, Prada and Furla at seductive selling prices, beware of pickpockets and do not carry large amounts of cash with you.
  • Alcohol. Regrettably, it is the green serpent that turns most insurance cases into uninsured ones, and also insidiously increases the likelihood of problem situations. Do not be friends with him, so as not to spoil the trip ☺

If you still have to resort to insurance coverage, remember that Italy's healthcare has some features. Know and Consider Allianz recommends the following:

  • Keep in mind that the first visit in 99% of cases will be assigned to a general practitioner. And only then, if there is evidence, you will be sent to a specialist with a narrow profile.
  • In case of emergency involving a direct threat to life, you can and should call Emergency at 118. An emergency will provide first aid and transport the patient to a medical facility.
  • For all other cases, you will need a single contact - the telephone number of the Assistance insurance company. The operator will ask you to clarify the basic information: personal data and the number of the insurance policy, ask for a description of the problem and give further recommendations for its successful resolution.
  • The average time for organizing medical care in Italy will be from 3 to 6 hours. So, an ambulance will arrive within an hour. Home visits, as a rule, can be arranged within a couple of hours, or by a certain time in agreement with the assistance service. You can go to the clinic during the day in a live queue if you are talking about a therapist or by appointment by a certain time, if we are talking about specialists with a narrow profile.

Travel insurance in Finland: instructions for use

Spending the winter holidays in Finland surrounded by reindeers, in the homeland of Joulupukki (the name of the Finnish Santa Claus) is a dream not only of children, but also of many adults. What is true: almost untouched nature, fabulous snow-covered forests, lakes and a million opportunities for an unforgettable pastime!

“Prepare a sleigh in the summer” - this proverb incredibly accurately describes the planning of New Year's holidays in Finland: indeed, it is better to book accommodation and tickets in advance, even in the summer, since in September demand increases sharply, and with it the price level.

Do not forget about visa and insurance - a key point in organizing a trip. How many happy tourists who managed to catch tickets at the best prices, book the coolest cottage on the lake and already mentally grilled freshly caught trout for dinner, suffered a crushing fiasco, opening their passport at the airport and discovering there was no cherished document. To visit Finland, you must obtain a Schengen visa, which cannot be obtained without medical insurance.

And even if you already have a five-year Schengen in your passport - this is not a reason to neglect the tourist policy!

Allianz emphasizes that despite the fact that Finland is extremely attractive in terms of safety and comfort level, no one has canceled the standard travel risks. And these are the most basic:

  • Winter is winter. When skiing on the slopes of Iso-Suet or on a snowboard in Lapland, you need to fear not only injuries, but also less obvious troubles associated with hypothermia. The latter is especially relevant for the youngest tourists, whose fragile organisms are most susceptible to colds and complications in the form of tonsillitis and otitis media. Be sure to save the ambulance contact - 112, as well as the Assistance telephone number: it is Assistance that will orient you in a force majeure situation, give detailed advice on the procedure for further actions and solve your problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. Self-medication is a dangerous and costly occupation, especially in a foreign country.
  • Returning to injuries when engaging in active sports, it is completely unacceptable and reckless to save on additional insurance coverage related to winter sports. Even the urgent call in Finland is very expensive, and hospitalization, examination and treatment will result in hundreds or even tens of thousands of euros!
  • According to Allianz statistics, a considerable number of household visits are associated with dental problems. Toothache, as a rule, is taken by surprise, and no one is safe from it. In order not to waste your money on the dentist, as well as time to search for him, call Assistance: following the instructions and coordinating actions is an important point that allows you to get the necessary help without problems.
  • Special attention is paid to traditional Finnish cuisine, rich in wild meat dishes. Food poisoning is unlikely, but overeating especially from a habit is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In situations more serious than banal discomfort and severity, an insurance company will come to the rescue. The main thing is that at this moment the blood alcohol level should go to zero. Лю Having poisoned with Finnish vodka, one should not hope for help and cover expenses. Therefore, be prudent!

Allianz recommends choosing insurance for winter sports when it comes to family vacations in ski resorts. After all, children are active and more prone to injuries and colds. Such an approach will make it possible to mitigate all risks and rely not only on emergency assistance in an emergency, in-patient examination, treatment and early transportation to the homeland with standard insurance. The fact is that the traditional tourist policy does not take into account the risks of snowboarding, snowmobiling, snowmobiling and other winter entertainments and situations.

Applying for an insured event does not present any difficulties. All that is needed is to call the Assistance hotline, introduce yourself and provide insurance policy details. The operator will select a clinic, appoint a doctor and give the necessary instructions. It is important to keep all checks, statements and receipts in order to present them for redemption by the insurance company in the future.

Watch the video: The Importance Of Rest and Recovery (September 2024).

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