New Zealand: White Island - a private volcano in the middle of the ocean

The Isle of Wight in New Zealand is not exactly an island. In fact, this is an active volcano, most of which is hidden under water. Only a crown with a diameter of two kilometers comes to the surface. Landscapes of the island are replete with acid and unnatural colors, which makes it seem that he was on another planet. I don’t know if they made science fiction films here, it seems to me that this is the most suitable place.

Interestingly, the Maori (the indigenous people of New Zealand) sold the volcano three times to European industrialists. Now the island is a private property, you can get here only after obtaining special permission. The tour cannot be called cheap: our flight cost $ 5000. Nevertheless, the price tag does not scare people away: according to the pilot, he flies to the island twice, or even three times a day. At the same time, there are three helicopters in his company. And in New Zealand there are several companies that go on excursions to White. In general, it’s good to have a volcano village house in the ocean.

Today I suggest you save 5000 & $ and look at the landscapes of the volcano island in this photo report ...

There are two ways to get to the island - by water or by air. We chose the second option. The flight was very picturesque.

The center of the island is the crater of a volcano.

Despite the activity, the crater is open to the public. All tourists are given respirators, without which it’s hard to walk around the crater: there are sulfur geysers around, it’s impossible to breathe and hurts your eyes.

When we arrived, we saw four or five more helicopters on the shore.

Previously, sulfur was mined on the island. Production was curtailed after the tragedy in 1914: the volcano woke up and destroyed most of the factory buildings during the eruption.

From the coast to the crater we walk.

If you look closely, the trampled path is visible in the center of the frame. You can only go on special routes.

A hole in the ground is one of the sulfur geysers.

Right along the course is the center of the crater. It is there that a peak of activity is observed.

A small rivulet flows through the island.

Here and there mud holes appear in the ground, and, according to the guides, they constantly change their place.

In some dips, boiling water boils.

Yellow forms sulfur on the earth.

The requirement to walk along the paths is due precisely to not falling into one of the emerging failures.

In the center of the crater is a lake. Over its surface the wind walks, sometimes forcing, then blowing away clubs of white steam.

On the way we met a group of tourists from a boat. Traveling by water takes about five hours.

Mud bath.

Crater Valley.

Fly away from the island. Destroyed sulfur plant on the coast.

Watch the video: Bora Bora Island Honeymoon Trip - 2019 (October 2024).

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