Lovers in a tornado: a couple takes crazy pictures of hurricanes

A couple from the UK, Tim Moxon and Cammy Chukhnitsky, have a very normal life. 10 months a year they are engaged in data analysis and develop computer codes. However, every year at the end of spring, they put off their boring work and fly to the United States for the sole purpose of hunting tornadoes.

It all started with the fact that at the very beginning of the relationship they accidentally caught a storm. And the sight aroused so much emotion in them that watching the hurricanes turned into their hobby. Tim and Cammy study weather reports and chat with fellow elemental fans on the Internet to find out when the season will begin. And at the end of spring, they come to Texas to ride the famous "Tornado Alley" - this is the territory where the most storms occur. In just a week they roll 5 thousand kilometers. Hurricanes Tim and Cammy take pictures and their work is great!

Of course, the hobby of photographers is very dangerous: often they are near a tornado - just a few hundred meters. Once a large hail hit their car, which broke glass, but still it doesn’t stop the couple. And it’s impossible to stop, as the guys admit, because once you see the element, you will fall in love with it irrevocably.

Watch the video: Hurricane vs. Tornado: What's the difference? (September 2024).

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