"Owls" and "larks": who is more profitable to be in the conditions of the modern world

There is still no consensus among scientists about why some people are "owls" and are active in the evening and at night, while others belong to the "larks", which are full of strength and energy in the morning. Someone believes that such a division is generally unscientific, and the whole difference between "owls" and "larks" is only in the way of life and habits that can be changed at any time. Others, on the contrary, believe that these are completely different people with different chronotypes, and that life is very difficult for “owls” in the modern world, since the work of all institutions and the whole rhythm of modern civilization are tailored precisely to “larks”.

Owls suffer from being larks

Not so long ago, British scientists published the results of their research, according to which "owls" in the modern world is very difficult to live. Physiologists examined the brain function of more than 70 volunteers, among whom were representatives of two groups. It turned out that both groups coped equally well with the assigned tasks, but each in its own crown time of the “early bird” was before lunch, and the “owl” after 20.00. But at the same time, it is noted that "owls", who are forced to get up early in order to go to school or work, suffer from this lifestyle. It turned out that the density of neural connections in the part of the brain that is responsible for working capacity is significantly lower in owls than in larks.

Owls are more productive than larks

But Belgian scientists, on the contrary, argue that “owls” are much more productive and more able to do in a day compared to “larks”, of course, provided that they are allowed to get up at the time that their body requires.

Owls are more successful in business

Their findings are also confirmed by American scientists from the University of Chicago. Researchers believe that “owls” are more successful in the professional field, and it is people with this chronotype that prevail among prominent inventors, financiers, businessmen, and people in creative professions.

Owl may be a lark, but not vice versa

After conducting research, American psychologists concluded that owls are more plastic than larks. Due to the fact that the rhythm of life of modern civilization is tailored to the "larks", the "owls" have to adapt to such difficult conditions as an early rise and work in the morning. Despite all the difficulties, they more or less cope with this task, which cannot be said about the "early birds". People, accustomed to getting up early, are completely powerless in the evening and cannot compete with morning owls in their productivity.

The rhythm of life "owls" does not match the natural biorhythms of man

Despite the fact that “owls” are more successful in life, more talented and more efficient, their health suffers greatly from this. According to doctors, late activity is contrary to the natural biorhythms of man. The work of most of the internal organs of a person and the phases of their activity indicate that a person from a physiological point of view should lead precisely the lifestyle of the “early bird”. Sitting at night at the computer or doing creative work, “owls” violate the natural rhythm of a person’s life, which he adhered to for thousands of years.

Watch the video: Qué hay en una celda de prisión de máxima seguridad? La nueva cárcel (September 2024).

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