Taranaki Volcano - New Zealand Double of Fuji

It seems that the view of Mount Fuji in Japan cannot be confused with anything. But in fact, the sacred peak of Japan has a very similar double, which even starred in the famous adventure film instead of the original. This is Taranaki volcano, which is located in New Zealand. Despite the fact that it is more than 1000 meters below the Japanese counterpart, Taranaki from a certain angle is very similar to Fuji, which was used by the directors of the film "The Last Samurai".

Taranaki is located on the North Island and is the current stratovolcano that erupted for the last time in the middle of the century before last. Seismologists evaluate its current state as "the calm before the storm." Despite the fact that the volcano is at rest, according to all forecasts, the next eruption will occur in the next 50 years.

It is interesting that modern Taranaki has two peaks, although, according to geological studies, as a result of past eruptions, its peak was repeatedly destroyed and restored. The height of its main cone is 2,518 meters. The second peak, located on the south side, also has a significant height - 1996 meters.

Around the volcano, a specially protected natural area was organized, which included land at a distance of 9.6 kilometers from the peak. The national park received the name Egmont, as this is the second name of the Taranaki volcano, which the British assigned to it. In addition to the main volcano, two more small volcanoes located north of Taranaki were included in the protected area. The ban on agricultural use of the park is strictly enforced, as evidenced by the flat line of the border of the fields of local residents around the circumference of Egmont Park.

The picturesque slopes of Taranaki volcano attract many fans of active tourism, for whom several eco-routes are organized here and sports clubs work.

Watch the video: Mt. Taranaki: the kiwi fuji (September 2024).

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