5 most dangerous places on our planet

Even if you want something absolutely extreme, you should never visit certain countries and places. Such, for example, are Somalia, Snake Island, Danakil Desert and others. Anywhere, just not there. Although these corners of our planet are charmingly beautiful, at the same time they can be simply fatal.

State of somalia

As a state, it, of course, did not take place, since crime is incredibly highly developed and complete anarchy reigns. Thus, Somalia fell into the ranking of the most dangerous countries and occupies a well-deserved first place in it.

It’s extremely dangerous to even swim to this East African state, since Somali pirates, known for their cruelty, are operating here. Civil wars are regularly waged in the north of the country, and the capital of Mogadishu cannot be divided among themselves by numerous criminal clans and groups.

In other words, the most appropriate words that can describe the situation in Somalia are robbery, murder, rape, dismemberment and impunity.

Kaymada Grandi

Keymada Grande Island, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the Brazilian state of São Paulo, is also called Snake Island. It would seem that this place is a true paradise, but this impression is misleading. At the moment, the island is closed to visitors, but if you ask, you may be missed. But is it worth it to take such a risky step, because it is akin to suicide!

This place is afraid of because of its deadly inhabitants - the most dangerous type of snake on the planet - the island botrops. Its poison is considered the most terrible and causes painful death, since the bite provokes rotting of tissues to the very bones. Moreover, the process of tissue necrosis is accompanied by such hellish pain that you begin to dream of an approaching, inevitable death, as of a long-awaited salvation.

According to rumors, there was once a lighthouse on the island, but after the snakes crawled there and killed all the employees, it had to be replaced by an automatic one.

The road of fate or the road of death

The most dangerous mountain road in the world is located in Bolivia, its length is almost 70 kilometers, and the highest section reaches 3.6 kilometers.

This road is the only route connecting the city in the Amazon region of Koroyko and La Paz. In some places, the road is so narrow that the wheels of passing trucks and buses almost slide into the abyss. The situation is aggravated by tropical rain constantly eroding the road, impenetrable thick fogs and landslides. Along the roadsides are crosses and rusting “remains” of cars that were unlucky to fall down.

According to statistics, from 200-300 people die on the Death Road every year. Due to the great danger, tourists prefer not to risk it and ride it more on bicycles than on cars. However, deaths of cyclists were also here.

Mount Washington

Mount Washington in the United States can be called a place with worse weather conditions. The fact is that for many years in a row this mountain has held the world record for wind speed. For example, in April 1934, the speed of air flow here reached 372 km / h.

Moreover, the windy weather on Mount Washington per day can persist for 16 hours. In addition, very low temperatures are worth mentioning. So, in early 2004, the frost reached -42 ° C, which, taking into account the blowing winds, is already perceived as all -75 ° C!

The Danakil Desert in Ethiopia, nicknamed "Hell on Earth"

This place got its name because of its incredible heat reaching 50 ° C, and gases, poisonous fumes escaping from the bowels of the earth. The abundance of volcanoes and sulfur lakes creates fantastic landscapes, but a small amount of oxygen, toxic gases and unbearable heat completely prevent them from enjoying. Although in the desert some Ethiopian tribes who manage to adapt to the peculiarities of the local climate manage to survive. But it’s better not to meet with them, because even for the slightest gain they are ready to kill anyone.

Watch the video: 10 Most Dangerous Islands In The World (October 2024).

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