Shiveluch volcano in Kamchatka woke up again and threatens with a powerful eruption

There are so many volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula that even the best specialist will not tell you the exact number of them. Of course, only a small part of them refers to the existing ones, and Shiveluch is one of those that regularly pleases scientists with its activity and causes trouble to air carriers. Due to volcanic eruptions on the peninsula, it is necessary to adjust the usual flight routes of air transport, as clouds of ash and smoke significantly reduce visibility in the Kamchatka region. Today, volcanologists are preparing to study the next eruption of this magnificent volcano, which is about to begin.

Shiveluch belongs to the active stratovolcanoes of Kamchatka, which, as a result of frequent eruptions, changes its appearance and even height. The current height of the volcano above sea level is 3,238 meters, although on old maps you can see the height of 3,307 meters. But this is an extinct peak, which is currently inactive. But the Young Shiveluch crater, whose height is about 2,500 meters, is just showing its activity, releasing gases and ashes into the air. Due to its considerable height and northern location, there are 5 glaciers on the slopes of the volcano. Shiveluch belongs to the young East Kamchatka volcanic belt, which in addition to it includes about 10 more active volcanoes.

Shiveluch almost always shows certain signs of activity. For this reason, residents of the village of Klyuchi, which is 47 kilometers from its peak, regularly observe signs of fumarole activity, as well as become witnesses of ashfall. As a result of one of the last eruptions, which lasted for several months in 2004-2005, a significant collapse of the dome of the volcano occurred. Because of this, its height decreased by more than 100 meters.

Scientists from the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS closely monitor the behavior of the awakening Shiveluch volcano. Experts have already recorded increased activity of the volcano, which manifests itself in lava flows, as well as in changes in the appearance of the dome. According to experts, a powerful collapse of the dome zone is not ruled out, which will entail significant emissions of ash and gases. According to the worst forecasts, the ash column can reach a height of 15 kilometers, which has already happened in the history of observations of the volcano, and the plume from the eruption will envelop the entire nearby region. Last March, Shiveluch already reminded himself of himself with a powerful emission of ash to a height of 4 kilometers. In such circumstances, air carriers will have to be especially careful.

Shiveluch, along with the Karymskaya Sopka and Klyuchevskaya Sopka, is one of those Kamchatka volcanoes that exhibits consistently high activity. It almost always exhibits fumarole activity and erupts once every few years. The most powerful eruption in the entire history of the observation of the volcano occurred in November 1964. Then the village of Ust-Kamchatsk, located 90 kilometers from the volcano, was buried under the ashes - more than 25 kilograms of ash fell for each square meter of the area. A new eruption threatens not only ash emissions, but also possible damage to infrastructure. Dirt and lava flows can damage bridges and the road that connects the nearby village of Klyuchi to the outside world.

Watch the video: Russian Shiveluch volcano in Far East spews ash over 3 miles (October 2024).

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