Where to look for the most magical landscapes: 10 of the most beautiful salt flats of our planet

To see the alien landscape, you don’t need to fly into space at all, because really fantastic locations are on our amazing planet. And, perhaps, the most unusual of them are salt marshes. The land in such places is so rich in salt that, besides it, there is practically nothing here: it simply does not allow anything to grow. And the view here is really like from another planet: for several kilometers - lifeless soil, covered with white salt or consisting of salt stones.

Uyuni salt marsh in Bolivia: the largest salt marsh on the planet looks like a snowy steppe with no end. To feel the magic of this place, you need to go to the rainy season: then the salt marsh is covered with water, which, like a mirror, reflects the clouds.

Etosha in Namibia: the salt marsh changes color during the year, becoming snow-white during the drought, and greenish due to silt and algae during the rainy season. And on the shore of Etosha you can see wild animals.

Salinas Grandes in Argentina: once upon a time there was a salt lake, today there is a huge white desert with an area of ​​6 thousand kilometers, where it happens above 40 degrees.

El Jerid in Tunisia: a lake that dries and turns into a salt marsh, depending on the weather. And here truly alien landscapes: Star Wars was filmed here.

Devils Golf Cors in the USA: a salt marsh formed on the site of dried out Lake Manley right in the middle of Death Valley.

Salar de Atacama in Chile: a salt marsh with an area of ​​three thousand kilometers, in the territory of which there are even several lakes.

The salt lake Derjacheye-Nemek in Iran, which turns into a salt marsh in the summer, and is again filled with water by spring.

The Makgadikgadi Basin in Botswana: there are several lakes in it, which in the dry season turn into salt marshes. But the salt space here is not endless, as is often the case with salt marshes, there are islands of sand on which not only grass but also trees grow.

The parched Lake Bonneville in the USA, which is so smooth that it even hosts competitions in sports cars and motorbikes.

Lake Salar de Arizaro in Argentina: salt marsh at the foot of the Andes, famous for the pyramid of Cono de Arita, which rises directly in the middle of the lifeless snow-white desert.

Watch the video: Top 10 Most Beautiful Places In The World (September 2024).

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