Mystical and anomalous zones of Russia

People like to invent various myths and legends, to pass them from generation to generation. But sometimes it’s really difficult to explain logically. There are many strange anomalous zones in our country, about which local residents tell many amazing stories. Meet the ten most interesting and famous of these places!

Village Molebka, Perm Territory

In the area of ​​this village, such a thing as the prayer triangle is common. According to local residents, this natural anomaly arose when a meteorite crashed from the sky in 1980. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences could not find anything concrete here, but residents continue to claim that sometimes they see colorful flashes and luminous objects, and visitors suffer from temperature changes and headaches.

Village Rustess, Sverdlovsk Region

Once, near the village, the Babinovsky tract passed, connecting the western part of the country with the eastern one, and gold miners lived in the settlement itself, who assured that evil spirits were found here, and sometimes inexplicable glows appeared.

Dyatlov Pass, Ural

This pass is also called the "mountain of the dead." And he became famous when in February 1959 a group of tourists, headed by Igor Dyatlov, died. The circumstances of their death could not be clarified, but the bodies of the tourists were so disfigured that a huge variety of versions began to appear.

Lovozero, Kola Peninsula

Visitors to this lake have repeatedly experienced temporary changes and spatial curvatures. It is also rumored that it is here that Bigfoot lives.

Death Valley (Vilyuy River), Yakutia

They began talking about this Vilyui river valley as an anomalous zone after the events of the 1950s. It was then, according to the local gold miners, in the area of ​​the Algyy river that seven enormous boilers suddenly appeared that looked like copper ones. Some people who have been in this place for several hours have noticed signs of radiation exposure.

Medveditskaya ridge, Volgograd region

Between two mountains in the Volgograd region there are hills, inside of which inexplicably tunnels arose. Local residents said they saw ball lightning flying through the corridors. However, during World War II, the entrances were blown up, and over time, legends began to appear about gold buried inside and locked evil spirits.

Chertovo Cemetery, the border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region

Somewhere in the 1920s, people began to notice that their cattle, having come to this clearing, were dying or disappearing without a trace, and the person here immediately became ill.

Shaitan lake, Kirov region

Shaitan - means “devil”, therefore this place is also called “damn lake”. It was not by chance that the locals called it so. Sometimes water starts to beat out of the lake, like a geyser, and on its surface small islands continually appear. Previously, people were so afraid of Shaitan that it was even forbidden to approach or fish in him. Indeed, according to residents, everything that happens to the lake is the work of the angry demon living in the water depths.

Arkaim, Chelyabinsk region

The age of the ancient city of Arkaim, according to scientists, is 4 thousand years old. People say that they saw fireballs flying over it and light flashes.

Sasovskaya funnel, Ryazan region

In 1991, residents of the city of Sasovo suddenly heard a powerful explosion that occurred near the village. Then half of the houses in the city broke glass. They could not find out the reason for what happened, but as a result of the explosion, a funnel 4 meters deep and 28 meters in diameter formed. Some citizens claim that on the night of the incident they saw several luminous balls.

Watch the video: A mysterious 'hole' has reappeared in the middle of Antarctica (September 2024).

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