These amazing babies sleeping peacefully in baskets conquered the world! Who would doubt that?!

These adorable baby pandas are a real miracle! This year, ten pandas were born in Ya'an Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding Center, a Chinese nursery. A few days ago they were first presented to the public. These babies, from two weeks to two months old, immediately became the darlings of the public and Internet stars. Deputy Minister of Animal Welfare Administration Luo Bo said that this year there was a real baby boom in the panda breeding center, and especially the appearance of a large number of twins.

The birth of large pandas was the occasion for a stormy celebration, because females are able to breed only 2-3 days a year and usually give birth to one cub every two years. About 75% of all big pandas live in the Chinese province of Sichuan. And the Chengdu research base is one of the main places where they are protecting and preserving this endangered species.

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