11 shocking dishes from around the world that make any foreigner sick!

National cuisine is a very mixed phenomenon, it illustrates the proverb "There are no friends for the taste and color." Be that as it may, for tourists dishes, which are national pride and a symbol of the country, serve as an excellent opportunity to understand the people who inhabit this or that territory. Experienced travelers often say that it is impossible to fully recognize the nation, its soul and see its true face without having tasted what is usually served here. Therefore, acquaintance with national cuisine is an integral part of the “right” trip. Although sometimes it can be really shocking!

We found 11 dishes that simply adore the peoples of different countries of the world and which shock any foreigner.

Salmonia sweets with ammonia - Finland

The Finns simply adore these "sweets", calling them gifts of the gods. Salmiakki is a very peculiar black candy based on charcoal with the smell of ammonia and salty filling.

Bee Larvae - Japan

This dish is called "hachinoko" and served with soy sauce and sugar in every Japanese diner. Another version of the dish is Suzumebachi - the larvae of a giant bee, which are fried like barbecue, served with rice, put in cookies or cook sushi with them.

Natto - Japan

This is one of the most beloved dishes of the Japanese, which is fermented soybeans. Usually this strange food with a very specific smell is consumed for breakfast.

Deep-Fried Oil - USA

Slices of butter coated with honey, flour and cinnamon are deep-fried. More fat and high-calorie dish is difficult to come up with!

Jelly Salad - USA

The basis of this rather fanciful dish is fruit jelly, which is used to pour finely chopped vegetables or the most diverse products - from tuna to cheese.

Sneakers Salad - USA

This dish does not cause disgust, but rather a slight bewilderment. Chopped Snickers bars and apple slices are poured with whipped cream.

Herring under a fur coat and aspic - Russia

Two of these dishes familiar to us are perceived by foreigners as something out of the ordinary. They simply cannot understand how you can feast on herring with boiled beets and carrots seasoned with mayonnaise or pieces of meat frozen in a greasy gelatinous broth.

Surstromming - Sweden

One of the dishes adored by the Swedes is rotten herring. They say that the most important thing is to survive the opening of the tin can, because you can lose your feelings from the unusually fetid smell! As a rule, open canned food on the street or in a bucket of water.

Balut - Philippines

Asians cannot resist this dish not for the faint of heart. Balut is a boiled, fried, or raw duck egg, in which the fruit has already formed with plumage, cartilage and beak.

Wedjimight - Australia

Australians consider this strange pasta a national symbol. It is made from the remains of beer wort and has a bitter-salty taste with a yeast odor.

Lutefisk - Norway

For Scandinavians, this dish is considered a delicacy and is served on holidays. It is a cod soaked in an alkaline solution of caustic soda and turned into a translucent jelly.

Watch the video: 10 Things Americans Do That Confuse All Other Countries (October 2024).

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