What world attractions would look like after the Great Drought

One concern of environmentalists is that the world is threatened to be flooded, while the other is a terrible drought. Designer Joel Krebs decided to consider the last theory in more detail and try to visually answer the question of what the world would become after the Great Drought. In his works, the artist shows how world famous sights would look after such an apocalypse.

Niagara Falls

According to Krebs, when the World Drought catches our planet, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world will practically cease to exist.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

With the onset of drought, the landscape of the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro will change dramatically.

Banff National Park

This oldest national park in Canada, famous for its glaciers, ice fields and beautiful green forests, will look like this during a drought.

The great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China will no longer adorn the peaks of beautiful green hills, it will be surrounded by desert.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower in Paris will also lose its green landscape and lush trees.

Easter Island

Easter Island is the most remote inhabited island in the world, but it will not escape the cataclysm. And his world famous stone statues will be buried among the sands.

Machu Picchu

The ancient city in Peru, which received the title of New World Wonder in 2007, will lose its former attractiveness. From him will blow gloom and gloom, as well as from everything around.


As a rule, in the vicinity of the famous archaeological site located in England, the grass grows green, but not in the days of the Great Drought.

Taj Mahal

The pearl of Muslim art in India is depicted by a designer surrounded by desert and skeletons of animals who died from dehydration.

Tower Bridge

The Thames should flow under a famous drawbridge in central London, but the onset of land turned a large river into a small puddle.

Watch the video: The Drought That Revealed A Dark Medieval Message (October 2024).

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