Micro Wind Turbine - a lightweight wind turbine for travelers

Niels Ferb has repeatedly been in hiking in the mountains, where he experienced difficulties with charging much-needed gadgets and electrical appliances. Someone goes to the mountains in order to forget about everyday problems and to fully relax from the crazy rhythm of city life, so such tourists most often do not suffer from the lack of familiar smartphones and other modern devices. Well, if you are a member of a scientific expedition or you need some kind of equipment for orientation on the ground, data collection or emergency communications, then in such cases the issue of charging electronic devices far from civilization is acute. Of course, for such purposes many devices have already been developed that operate on the energy of the sun or the same wind, but all of them, according to Niels Ferb, are too bulky and have low efficiency. For this reason, he decided to create his own wind generator, which could be taken with him on a hike.

The inventor named his brainchild Micro Wind Turbine and has already tested it in a real hike, and also presented at several exhibitions. The installation weight is only 900 grams, and when folded it does not take up much space. At a wind speed of 18 km / h, the device is capable of generating a current of 5 W, and excess energy is stored in the battery.

Watch the video: Free Power From the Wind; How to Install a Wind Generator on an RV (September 2024).

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