Travel to hell: crater of Kava Ijen volcano on Java

It all started in the early morning. It was still dark outside when a sonorous voice roared: "WAKE AP!"

We left the hotel’s warm rooms, sat in jeeps, and within an hour we were driven along bumps to the starting point of the ascent.

The path was not a short one along a narrow path, among the thickets:

A thick, unusual fog enveloped the trees. Soon we will understand what it is ...

Sulfur bearers hurried with us with brisk pace and empty baskets.

Climbing took more than an hour. And now we are standing on the edge of Kava Ijen. Here the air is not shrouded in fog. These are sulfur vapor that is released from the depths of the crater. Vapors are very toxic and kill all the vegetation around:

But this is only the beginning of our route. The most interesting thing ahead, we have to go down to this hellish lair - at the bottom of the Ijen crater.

The place is very unique, therefore it attracts not only tourists, but also journalists. Japanese film crew arriving to make a documentary:

In these baskets are yellow chunks of solidified sulfur formed at the bottom of the crater:

It is very difficult to breathe among toxic fumes. Lung burns with fire, after each breath. The most advanced porters use respirators, but these units:

So, having gathered our courage, we begin the descent to the bottom of the crater. On a narrow path towards us rise workers who drag sulfur from the bottom. To at least somehow protect their breathing, they insert a damp cloth in their mouths:

We did not have a rag or a respirator, so I breathed through a sweater. It helped a little, and every few meters another coughing attack came over me.

At some point, the wind wave blew off a dense cloud of fumes and we saw an amazing picture - a lake with a high concentration of sulfur, which makes the color of the water an unusual color.

And the workers, like ants, all came towards us in a string:

Such baskets weigh 70-80 kg. On the day the workers make 2 walks and will receive $ 7-8 for this hellish labor.

The lungs burned with fire, but we stubbornly continued to descend into the epicenter of toxic smoke ...

Having spent almost an hour on the descent, finally we were at the bottom of the crater.

High acid lake:

Taking pictures near water is difficult. Steam rises from the water, causing the lens to fog up very quickly.

Near the shore is the place where sulfur is mined:

Thick poisonous fumes burst from the earth:

And among the poisonous cloud, people work, collecting pieces of sulfur:

Fearless tourists are spinning next to the workers:

We could not stay for a long time at the bottom, therefore, after making several shots, after the workers they rushed back:

Rose for about forty minutes. And here we are finally at the top of the crater, among the dead vegetation. Lifeless territory. Infernal place:

On the way back we looked at the transshipment point, where workers weigh their baskets:

As we have said, the average weight is 70-80 kg.

Watch the video: Ijen volcano: Into the mouth of hell (October 2024).

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