Walk around Voronezh

Voronezh. A kitten from the street Lizyukova, Pot, snowy nooks and crannies, where the flavor of the old city, Stone Bridge.

Once the other day in Voronezh, I practically did not rent a center. This time it was possible to walk around the city without pre-laid routes, go to non-parasitic areas. In a word, several emotional, leisurely walks came out.

Monument to the heroes of the cartoon "Kitten from the street Lizyukova" on the street Lizyukova.

The poor kitten has more than once torn off his mustache.


Not so far from the "Kitten" is a monument to the leader of the "King and the Jester" Mikhail Gorshenev (Pot).

I don’t know how the Pot is connected with Voronezh. Monument to him asks to be in St. Petersburg. But, probably, it’s not so important where he stands. The main thing was the initiative and it was brought to its logical conclusion. Memory and result are more important than geography.

A very interesting building of the former philistine police unit of the 19th century. There was a fire brigade here. At first, I took the building for a former church or some unusual tower)

The city says.

Plekhanovskaya street. It seems that there is nothing special in this form, but for some reason it attracts. Either the color of the building goes well with snow, or the monument is successfully inscribed and trees are planted.

This is the building of the Magistrate (Meshchansky council), and before that - the residential building of the merchant Savostyanov. The first three-story house of Voronezh and the only surviving brick building of the city of the 18th century. Now here is the Regional Literary Museum named after I.S. Nikitina.

Clock at the Puppet Theater "Jester".


The Stone Bridge (19th century) is one of the most famous places in Voronezh.

Voronezh is a hilly city. The relief and low buildings make it more colorful. Dekabristov Street descending to the reservoir on the Voronezh River and to the Assumption Admiralty Church.

Museum, a model copy of the first battleship of Russia "Goto Predestination" ("God's foresight"). This ship was built a couple of years ago, and a historical prototype - in 1700 in Voronezh with the participation of Peter I.

Assumption Admiralty Temple of the 17-19th centuries. At first there was a monastery abolished by Peter I during the construction of shipyards on this site. The temple (the predecessor of the present) became from the monastery Admiralty and was used to consecrate the built ships.

A street interesting not only by its name.

She is well remembered due to her appearance. No wonder I wandered here. Beauty!

Snow, courtyards, low buildings.

I don’t know if I’m right or wrong, but it seems that the flavor of the southern city, the old Voronezh, which can no longer be found in the center, has been preserved.

Street Sevastyanovsky Congress. It seems that once there really was a congress here. Now only pedestrians can pass. I have never seen an abandoned street anywhere. Maybe the old paving stones have survived under the snow? It will be necessary to visit here somehow in the summer.

Watch the video: Biker and roller on a walk in Voronezh (October 2024).

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