15 unforgettable photos of Native American girls of the 19th century, showing their unique beauty

Today we are going on another exciting journey in time and space - a hundred years ago to the territory of the United States of America. These rare and beautiful old portraits of young girls from the Native American people were made in the late 1800s, but despite such an impressive "age", many of them are still perfectly preserved and are distinguished by good clarity and clarity of the image.

In traditional Native American culture, women have always been respected, and although their role in society, as a rule, was very different from the masculine, they often had the same rights as men. They owned the house and everything in it, and in some tribes the woman was even responsible for the choice of housing. In addition, the activities of women in Native American tribes have always been central to the well-being of society.

Let's see how the young representatives of the Native American people looked at the turn of the 19th century. Their extraordinary beauty and unique style cannot but impress!

Marcia Pascal - half Cherokee, daughter of US Army officer George Pascal, 1880s.

Oooh, Kiowa, 1894.

Hattie Tom, representative of the Apache tribe, 1899.

Native American Girl, 1870-1900.

Gertrude Three Fingers, representative of the Cheyenne, 1869-1904.

Cherokee Nanehi, Lakota.

Unknown Native American Girl, Lakota, 1890.

Elsie Vance Chestuen, Chiricahua.

Native American girl in traditional dress.

Taos Pueblo Girl, 1880-1890.

Girl Tsavatenok, 1914.

Hopi Girl, 1895.

Ute tribe woman, 1880-1900.

Kiova Girl, 1892.

Sweet Nose, representative of the Cheyenne, 1878.

Watch the video: 80 HISTORICAL PHOTOS YOU MUST SEE BEFORE YOU DIE (October 2024).

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