7 curious and fascinating places that are worth visiting at least once in a lifetime

What an incredible multitude of fascinating corners with its beauty and unusualness our planet is hiding! Travelers, writers, photographers - everyone wants to find such a place. But as often happens, that beautiful and interesting places are very close. Sometimes people themselves ennoble the world around them, complement natural beauty with their ideas, while creating amazing images worthy of admiration. With the most curious of these locations, we will now meet.

Holy Cave Sadan (Myanmar)

A sacred place for Buddhists is located inside an underground rock complex in Zvegabin Mountain. Desert lagoons are decorated with hundreds of religious statues that make a lasting impression.

Abandoned Mine Trampoline Park (Wales, UK)

In the shale caves of Llechwedd (Llechwedd Caverns), located in the city of Blainai Festiniog, giant springy trampolines were installed.

City of Waterfalls (Hamilton, Canada)

The Niagara ledge got its name in honor of the famous Niagara Falls. The length of the ledge is 1000 kilometers, and on its long journey it crosses the town of Hamilton in Canada, whose surroundings, due to elevation differences, have over 130 beautiful waterfalls. Thus, the city became the owner of the honorary title of the world capital of waterfalls.

The shortest runway in the world (Saba, Holland)

In the Caribbean, there is a small Dutch island of Saba, on which the shortest runway in the world is built. It belongs to the Huancho Irauskin Airport. The length of the strip is no more than 400 meters, so pilots have to use all their skills so as not to collapse from steep cliffs into the depths of the sea.

Colina Lenin (Cuba)

Near Cuban Havana you can stumble upon a monument to Colin-Lenin. This sculpture is a portrait of Lenin, around which gathered a dozen white human figures. This monument was the first erected outside the USSR.

UAV Park (North Dakota, United States)

In North Dakota, on the territory of the Grand Forks Air Force Base, the first commercial fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles Grand Sky was created.

Favorite place of Sir Walter Scott (Great Britain)

This place, which offers a wonderful view of the expanses of Scotland, is believed to have been a favorite place of the famous poet and writer of the 19th century Walter Scott. If you believe the story, he was here so often, going on trips, that his horses themselves remembered when to stop.

Watch the video: 65 Quick Facts to Make You the Most Interesting Person in The Room (October 2024).

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