Shocking photos from a prison in the Philippines

Quezon City is located on the Philippine island of Luzon. It is the largest city in the Philippines and is named after its founder, former president Manuel Quezon. It is here that the notorious prison is located, where photojournalist Noel Celis arrived to show the whole world the difficult life of local prisoners.

The prison building in Quezon City was built 60 years ago, it was designed for 800 prisoners. However, the authorities managed to accommodate many times more prisoners in its walls than originally assumed, namely - 3800 people.

The conditions for local lawbreakers are such that they have to take turns to sleep on the floor, stairs or in hammocks made of blankets.

From above it is clearly visible that the prisoners here are like sardines in a bank.

The budget allocated daily for each criminal contained here is 55 pesos. Of these, 50 goes for food and 5 for medicine.

Since the prison has one toilet for 130 people, it’s easy to imagine what smell it has. In addition, the situation is greatly aggravated by rotting in the channel in the neighborhood.

The prisons in the Philippines are considered the most overloaded in the world, since only here the average number of prisoners is 5 times more than normal.

Recently, the local police have been fighting a fierce war with crime, and therefore the conditions in prisons are getting worse from year to year.

The crime rate in the country is very high. According to statistics, hundreds of people are killed in the Philippines in a month, while police detain thousands of lawbreakers in thousands.

There are so many prisoners that there is not a meter of free space.

Prisoners wash and wash their clothes.

This place looks rather gloomy and creepy.

The inscription asking to be quiet.

Another portion of criminals is being taken to an already crowded prison.

Prisoners in Quezon City Prison.

Watch the video: Inside the Abhorrent Conditions of Zimbabwe's Prison System (May 2024).

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