100 people live in this giant cave, and there was even a school

On the territory of China, in the province of Guizhou, there is an unusual village, Jeondong, which is located inside a large cave. Perhaps this is the only settlement living in such conditions throughout the year. The cave is at a decent height - 1800 meters above sea level - and to get to it, you need to climb up a narrow path for an hour.

Such inaccessibility gives the community a lot of problems, residents have to make great efforts to survive here.

Once a week, people go shopping on foot to the nearest market, which is about 15 kilometers away.

Previously, the village even had its own school, but 5 years ago it was closed. Local authorities have a negative attitude towards residents of the community. In their opinion, China is not a society of cavemen. So now the children are forced to get to the nearest educational institution for two hours every day.

The community elders, concerned about improving life in Jeondong, are trying to convince the Chinese authorities to build a road that would connect the cave with the outside world and the existing infrastructure.

In general, residents of Zhondon, whose number reaches 100 people, have access to television and newspapers, but nevertheless they still remain largely cut off from civilization.

Watch the video: New Discoveries in the Deepest Caves on Earth Can't Be Explained by Scientists (October 2024).

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