New Zealander tried to deliver 12 tons of food to the North Pole in Siberia

"This is Ruslan."

"And the back of his truck."

"Ten days and nights, I traveled with Ruslan and his young assistant along the Indigirka River to deliver 12 tons of food to the city of Belaya Gora in the Arctic north to Siberia."

"Half the way from Yakutsk to White Mountain passes along the Kolyma Highway, built by the Stalinist slaves of the Gulags. The second half is along the frozen Indigirka River."

“It all started well. With solid (if a little slipping) ground under our wheels.”

"The three people in the cockpit were cramped and hot."

"The food was cooked on a small gas stove inside the cabin."


Ruslan’s friend, Andrei, gained speed, didn’t fit into a too sharp turn and turned over.

Crazy Andrey with a semi-automatic shotgun during a truck stop.

Now in the cabin, designed for two, there were four of us. Trying to sleep was terrible. The scene after the first night.

Then, halfway up, we rolled out onto the ice and everything became very difficult.

We sailed in a foggy light, until suddenly Ruslan stopped abruptly in front of this hole in the ice.

Spring melting was in full swing.

We saw movement under the ice.

Ruslan shows what happened to the friend’s truck last time.

We moved along the river where we could, but in some places we had to cross the river. This was the last intersection before something went wrong.

When the ice began to crack under the wheels on my part. I pushed the door and jumped out and, when the truck failed, galloped across the ice.

Somehow the truck was stuck there. The guys managed to get out and try to do something.

Then it got worse. In the dark, we pushed the car back and forth, crossing the river. Everyone was screaming.

And then that. At 3 a.m., when others were sleeping nearby, the horizon began to shine green. I first saw the northern lights.

The dawn was clear and clean, and the road was hard.

At the end of that day, we visited a tiny church in Zashiversk.

When we approached White Mountain, everyone was in a good mood.

Finally, after 5 days without a shower and dressing in clean clothes, we reached the White Mountain, where Ruslan has a small apartment.

Food was delivered to the city, and the guys continued their movement along the river.

This little girl may have received her products from Ruslan's new supply.

The area in which Ruslan lives.

Ruslan left the offering to the shamanistic souls, and we again set off on the road.

Ruslan greets other truckers on the road.

From time to time we glided over the ice, carrying another truck in tow.

The road quickly melted.

And again I had to push the car at night.

Another trucker tested the strength of the ice with a pole.

We took drinking water directly from the river.

Making his way closer to a safe hard surface.

Safety is a relative thing on the Kolyma highway.

On March 8, 2016, the horror of the icy road was behind.

Watch the video: Antarctica: Ready for Winter - RT Documentary HD (October 2024).

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