21 color photos of World War II that you cannot forget

American Douglas Banks knows that photography carries value, regardless of whether it is color or black and white. Nevertheless, it is difficult to argue with the fact that color photographs, as a rule, reveal a little more than monochrome photographs. Small details (but no less important), which are often lost in black-and-white photos, in color suddenly become apparent and can most dramatically affect the reading of the meaning and content of the frame. We bring to your attention 21 Banks colorized photograph taken during the Second World War and showing the true essence of the war.

Raid on Makin Atoll

A soldier takes a bath in the dilapidated building of the Libyan city of Tobruk

A fighter in position with his puppy during the Ardennes operation, January 4, 1945

Navajo communications officer sends message

US Marines storm Japanese firing point with a flamethrower

Captured Messerschmitt sent for study

Soldier of the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism on the Eastern Front

Battle of Iwo Jima

English pilots rest at the base in Cambridgeshire

German troops at Brenner Pass

The Battle of Peleliu

Mustang fighter surrounded by pilots

Abandoned German StuG III self-propelled artillery

Lt. John Pattison talks about aerial combat

Personal Mercedes of Hermann Goering

At a halt ...

Captured German tank Panther

Pilots enjoy lunch

American Mustang fighter at the airport near Mainz

Pilots with captured German flag.

German anti-aircraft gun, known as the "eight to eight"

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