Amazing deep-sea creatures caught near Australia

We are used to the fact that the depths of the sea are like a fairy-tale world in which, among bright landscapes, flocks of beautiful, colorful fish scurry back and forth. But if you dive even deeper, you can find yourself in the realm of eternal darkness, where the sun never reaches, and all living beings are constantly experiencing enormous pressure in the water column. And the creatures live there to match. This was once again convinced by researchers off the eastern coast of Australia.

Monsters from the abyss

Over the course of the month, participants in the Deepwater Sampling mission, dedicated to studying deep-sea ecosystems along the east coast of Australia, cruising on the Investigator vessel, caught about a thousand specimens of marine fauna, a third of which are new species. Among old acquaintances of scientists - a drop fish, which several years ago was recognized as the “ugliest creature in the world", and a lizard fish.

In the photo: drop fish

In the photo: baby lizard fish

Red coffin fish, most likely, refers to a new, previously unknown species.

In the photo: red coffin fish

The so-called “fish without a face” caused a special stir. She was considered extinct for more than 150 years, and images of a strange creature were preserved only in the form of drawings. Now it turned out that the view feels great among the impenetrable sea abyss. Outside, she has only her nostrils and mouth, and her eyes are probably located under her skin.

On the photo: fish "without a face"

Let there be light!

In the photo: a luminous fragile star

This representative of the Hauleyod species seems to use light to better see his prey. Scientists so far only speculate, because they do not know for sure.

In the photo: howliode

But these spider fish (Grideye Spiderfish) use large photosensitive plates that resemble their eyes to catch creatures that themselves fluoresce. We hope they realize that it is better not to approach the fish from the previous photo.

Pictured: Grideye Spiderfish

Shell or jelly

At a great depth, not only there is no light, but there is also a strong pressure of the water column. In such conditions, to save your body, there are two main ways. The first is to strengthen it with a dense strong shell. This is more suitable for very small creatures, such as these foraminifera.

In the photo: foraminifera

The second way is to become jelly-like so that the water under pressure envelops you, but does not squeeze. Like this cutest sea cucumber.

In the photo: sea cucumber

All Photos: Asher Flatt / Jerome Mallefet / Annekatrine Enge

Watch the video: Australian Deep Sea Creatures Are The Stuff Of Nightmares (October 2024).

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