What happens if all insects disappear in an instant?

Frankly, insects are not what people love the most. Of course, there are beautiful butterflies, someone likes beetles or praying mantises, but on the whole you’d rather like the photos of a big panda than a photo collection of insects. Not to mention the "pets" of cockroaches. Yes, even if they all disappeared in an instant! But then what will happen to our planet? Let's figure it out.

Food Chain Base

First we decide who we call insects. These are creatures divided into three segments: head, chest and abdomen. They have one pair of antennae and three pairs of legs, some use wings for flights. Spiders are not insects (although they are also very important)! Millipedes, by the way, also do not belong to them.

Insects are an important part of the food chain. And not only for gourmets who feast on bugs, crickets and grasshoppers in Thailand. Some animals, for example, small birds, frogs, as well as other reptiles and amphibians live only on the "insect" diet. So, if there are no insects, all these creatures will die out too. And after them, higher participants in the food chain will begin to starve - right down to the person.

Storks for plants

So, we have no animals left. Everyone will have to become vegetarians. It is difficult, but after all adhere to many vegetarian diets and nothing - live. Get used to it. But here everything is not so simple.

Pollination by insects is an essential part of the life and development of most fruits and vegetables that humans and animals eat. For example, take bees. These insects buzz around flowers and plants, transferring male pollen grains from one plant to the female reproductive parts of another. In other words, a bee is a stork that brings small plant children. There are, of course, plants that have enough wind to move pollen from point A to point B, but many crops are completely dependent on bees and other pollinating insects - beetles, moths and flies.

Do not forget about another important function of insects: since these babies are omnivorous, they allow you to control the number of weeds and parasites. They also accelerate the process of turning the remains of animals and plants into humus, which is also of great importance to the flora. And insects, which burrow into the soil during fertilization, open it for oxygen.

In general, we are all part of a large organism - the planet Earth. And even the smallest insect is no less important than a large and pleasant animal. And they are really insanely beautiful!

Watch the video: What If Humans Disappeared? (September 2024).

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