How many unusual things can you buy in a Tokyo supermarket

Those who love to travel know that the impression of the place is largely due to little things. And even small differences in the amount form the overall picture: "Wow, how they are not like us!".

Globalization has played a role, and cities in different countries are becoming more and more faceless. But some identity always remains. Let's see, for example, the differences in products offered in Tokyo supermarkets.

Perhaps the most unusual for us is the abundance and diversity of mushroom species. There are so many of them that you can’t fit everything into the frame!

Some look very strange.

Rolls are sold in this form. They are cut immediately before serving.

But sushi is sold in "standard" sets in transparent packaging.

Nearby is usually located the counter of such sets with discounts. Apparently not the freshest.

And these are Sirasu fish - boiled fish fry. They are used together with the bones, head and tail.

Sometimes siras are sold in a multicolored set. It’s not entirely true, however, it is clear whether their colors are natural or not.

Or brown. Most likely smoked.

And this is the famous Japanese plum ume. It doesn’t look very appetizing. By the way, they don’t eat raw - it's too sour. Usually, marinades and pickles are cooked with ume. And also moonshine or "plum wine".

Dumplings in Japanese. Hyoses are called, stuffed with meat and cabbage. It is customary to fry them until a golden crust appears.

Water and chilled green tea.

And this is the "national" design of packages of dry noodles.

Watch the video: Exploring Akihabara, Tokyo's Electronics Markets - wOnly in Japan! (September 2024).

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