Is Everything So Bad: Aram North Pan’s Positive Image in Photos

We are used to hearing about North Korea exclusively in negative tones: dictators, nuclear warheads, population oppression and stupid hairstyles. But people get used to everything, and in any mode there are positive aspects. About how our grandparents lived in the Soviet Union, the citizens of this closed country live and enjoy life as they can.

Photographer Aram Pan from Singapore during a visit to this country took a series of pictures showing the everyday life of ordinary people. Most frames are bright and rather joyful than depressing.

The photographer says that getting to this country turned out to be easier than he expected, and what he saw, of course, was very different from the Air Force documentaries.

So the local population rests. They go to water parks, in no way inferior to their Western counterparts, colorful, vibrant and modern.

Korean employees have a good time after work or lunch during ice cream. They do not starve or miserable.

Girls on the beach in the resort town of Wonsan.

Fabulously beautiful view from Mount Kymgansan shot on a wide-angle lens.

Quite a pleasant pastime - volleyball on the beach. Not very similar to inhumane living conditions, right?

Fireworks at the Ariran Gymnastics Festival.

Girls gymnasts hold flowers at the same festival.

Cute korean girl.

View of Pyongyang from the hotel window, where the author of the photo stayed. Foreigners, as always, are trying to impress.

Korean "Statue of Liberty".

An unusual shooting gallery restaurant where you can shoot yourself your favorite chicken.

Cozy country house.

Sunset in a remote province.

Gasoline fried snails are a local delicacy.

Fishing in the early morning.

People are returning from enterprises. The working day ends, as in other countries, at six o’clock.

Beautiful stations of the Pyongyang subway. Like in Moscow.

Free subway cars.

The modern architecture of the big city.

To the envy of Muscovites cars are few.

Watch the video: North Korea 360 Video Young Pioneer Tours - 2015 June Tour (September 2024).

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