False attractions gathering crowds of gullible tourists

Going on a trip, we all want to bring a lot of impressions from there. And here the decisive role will be played by the choice of the country and the places that we are going to visit.

The fact is that there are many who want to cash in on your vacation. Therefore, you need to clearly know what place is famous for, as well as its history, so as not to fall into the numerous clan of tourists who are sent "there, I don’t know where."

Today we will tell you just about such sights, invented and created artificially, for making money from the popularity of a film or the distortion of history. See and choose the right places to relax.

"Pizza Gloria", Switzerland

If you watched an epic about James Bond, this name should be familiar to you. This is a restaurant on top of a mountain in which the film unfolds. But this restaurant was built "for the film" - the producer financed the construction under a special contract.

Sleepy Hollow, USA

This nice place had a completely different name for some time. The well-adapted famous novella caused a change in the name of the town. For more direct associations with tourists.

Shangri-La, China

The wonderful 1933 Hilton science fiction novel "The Lost Horizon" aroused great public interest. So, immediately there were many who wanted to profit from this interest. The government of the Chinese city of Zhongdian decided to officially change the name to Shangri-La in 2001.

I must add that the city is really beautiful. And you must go there, there are many genuine sights.

Kwai River Bridge, Thailand

In this case, a role was also played by an artwork - the novel of the same name by Pierre Boule. Part of the river with a different name was renamed, and everything turned out as in a book. It is worth noting that the renaming occurred after the film adaptation.

Checkpoint Charlie, Germany

This point did not become during the reunification of Germany in 1990. And in front of you is just the place where this point was located.

Here, American and Russian soldiers served nearby, guarding different sides of the border.

House 221b Baker Street, UK

The house is better known as the house of Sherlock Holmes. And although everyone knows that the invented character has the same fantasy residence, the house on Baker Street is never empty.

It is worth adding that such an address appeared after the publication of the book about the famous detective.

Bran Castle, Romania

There was some confusion - the castle known to everyone, where Dracula allegedly lived, or its prototype, is not at all such. But it was well preserved, in contrast to the neighboring castle, where a real person lived, from whom the world famous vampire Vlad Tepes was written off.

Phila Island, Egypt

An interesting case occurred with the island, where the oldest temples were located. A dam was built on the island of Phila, after which it was decided to transfer the temples to another, more suitable island in height Agilkia. In fact, the temples were rebuilt in a new place.

Juliet Balcony, Italy

There are many different legends and stories with which the famous work of Shakespeare has “grown”. Among them is this balcony, on which a delicate scene between Romeo and Juliet unfolded. In fact, of course, this balcony was not at the time when the novel was written.

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