Beautiful far: high mountain village Ushguli

It's funny that tourists here are mostly Europeans. The Russians go to the sea, for them there is rest, and here - devastation and the village. Foreigners go to the mountains, they have a closer and better sea.

So most of the inscriptions are in English. This is strange, because everyone speaks Russian here, only a few speak English.

Ushguli is an alpine village in Georgian Svaneti. The road to him was once planned to be put in order, but did not have time. So it’s historical. It is believed that it is worth driving exclusively on Deliki, the most beloved cars in Georgia (not without reason). However, everything is not so terrible. However, it’s not a lot of chances to drive it on the puzoterka. With us, something small and courageous climbed up. Honda The car climbed stubbornly, but did not crawl to the end, no matter how many hands it was pushed through streams, puddles and waterfalls. However, his crew had some fun, probably notably.

We knew our bus would pass. But they decided to give the driver one day to relax and got on a minibus. It’s not at all the worst decision, it’s a pity only to photograph on the road is inconvenient.

Local attraction. There is nothing special to do inside, but the surroundings are good.

And here is my favorite place along the way. I even got out of the minibus for the frame. By the way, do not pay attention to the fact that “Batumi” is written on the plate. Minibuses here do not drive according to signs, but at the request of the driver.

Although no, this is still a favorite place. Stop at a roadside cafe. Local people sell “crystals” washed in the rivers as souvenirs.

The children were inspired and went on their own to get souvenirs. Had a great time. They stood for a long time, as it should be in countries where there are no schedules, only moods.

Not that we are opposed. A kind of colorful relaxation - something that is not enough when constantly driving.

We are approaching.

It is very beautiful in here. Mountains and clouds hang over the village.

The village sprawled along the hills. And everything looks like one endless open-air museum.

One wants to shoot the same species endlessly. Now with cows, then with calves, then with flowers.

And it is impossible to believe that all these ruins are inhabited.

However, it is not. There are children’s toys over there.

Clothes are dried. People live here. No matter what. In the absence of roads, normal transport - but in general normal living conditions.

It seems that even the children were imbued with the situation. However, they generally feel good where you can run through puddles and squeeze dogs.

Dogs! God, what dogs in Ushguli!

Huge, smart, patient.

If I had lived in a village, I would certainly have made myself such a glorious domestic monster!

Most reminiscent of Nepal. Guesthouses are completely Nepalese.

Taxi-horse (horse-taxi) for rent.

Here you need to stay for several days in one of these terrible, murdered, but such cozy guesthouses where you will be welcomed as a native, I am sure. And walk.

If we had arrived in our car, we probably would have stayed for a day. And so all things in Mestia. Sorry.

Great places.

Watch the video: Journey from Ushguli to Mestia, Georgia (October 2024).

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