Glasses from color blindness that are able to touch even men to tears

Contrary to popular belief, color blindness is not a synonym for black and white vision. Some people cannot distinguish individual colors, but there are forms of color blindness in which people are not able to distinguish only certain color nuances. This does not stop them from living, and moreover, many of them do not even know about it until they begin to undergo a medical commission to obtain rights to categories "C" and "D" or, for example, begin to perform special tests.

One of the most famous ways that you can check the correctness of color perception is the Ishihara test. This test, which is a set of special images, was compiled by Japanese researchers.

People with normal vision see the number 8. Here, with blindness in the green / red parts of the spectrum (with protanopia / deuteranopia), people see the number 3. With full color blindness, nothing is visible in the picture.

For people with ordinary vision, the number 15 is visible here. In case of blindness in the green / red parts of the spectrum (with protanopia / deuteranopia), the number 17 is determined in the picture. With full color blindness, nothing is determined.

Color blindness is, as a rule, a hereditary disease, and only in rare cases, its acquisition during life is noted. This disease affects 6-8% of the male population of the planet, while women are prone to this disease very rarely - only 0.4%. Among all forms of color blindness, monochromatism (achromatopsia), the complete absence of color vision, is least likely to occur, less than 0.0001% of the world's inhabitants suffer from it.

With color blindness, the perception of color by the receptor apparatus of the retina is impaired while maintaining normal indicators of the remaining functions of the organs of vision. Unfortunately, this disease is not treated. But scientists have developed special glasses, as well as lenses that can level this visual impairment.

The development belongs to American scientists. Glasses are glass lenses that are coated with a special multilayer coating. In fact, this is a filter that blocks part of the color spectrum from entering the eye. Glasses pass only basic colors, thus enhancing the contrast between them. But the shades that a person can not perceive, this filter blocks. Different types of color blindness require different points. It is also interesting that there are glasses that work only in sunlight, and there are options designed for indoor use. But for the most severe form of the disease, monochromatism, such glasses, unfortunately, will not work.

Watch the video: This Is What Color Blind People See With These Viral Glasses (October 2024).

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