The most delicious chemistry product: how white sugar is made from sugar beets

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without sugar, sweet white grains, friable structure or in the form of cubes. Many products contain sugar in one form or another, and its production and consumption in the world is constantly growing.

Sugar is obtained mainly from sugar cane (88% of all sugar produced in the world), as well as from sugar beets (it accounts for about 12%). In our country, a significant proportion of sugar is produced from the root of sugar beets, which, unlike cane, grows well in our climate and contains up to 18% sucrose. The process of extracting sugar involves several stages and can not do without the use of additional chemical ingredients. We offer a tour to one of the sugar factories and see how they get pure white sugar from sugar beet root crops.

Watch the video: SUGAR. How It's Made (September 2024).

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