Yellowstone Super Volcano May Remind Of It Again

Judging by the scientific publications of recent years, the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano is the worst thing that can happen on our planet in the foreseeable future. There are many active volcanoes on the globe, but it is Yellowstone that causes such serious fears that it was even called a supervolcano. Numerous American experts conduct round-the-clock monitoring of this national treasure in order to respond in time to the impending danger.

According to scientists, this supervolcano erupted at least three times: 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 630,000 years ago. Thus, the time interval between eruptions was 700-800 thousand years. During the last eruption, a huge amount of ash was thrown into the Earth’s atmosphere, which provoked a cooling effect that lasted 80 years. But, as American specialists recently managed to find out, about 630 thousand years ago two eruptions occurred, separated by a relatively short period of time. And this discovery has caused serious concern in the scientific community.

Geologists have studied rocks at the bottom of the sea about 2,000 kilometers from the Yellowstone Caldera. These rocks reflect all climatic and geological changes in the region, while they are more informative than geological rocks on land. According to scientists, rocks on land are more compressed, it is difficult to read events separated by a short period of time. Therefore, only a study of marine rocks helped to discover the previously unaccounted eruption of a supervolcano.

In light of recent discoveries, researchers believe that you should not rely on previously made calculations: the volcano can wake up much earlier. This is evidenced by the constant earthquakes recorded in the caldera region. So, for example, this fall 4-point earthquakes were recorded near Yellowstone Park.

Despite the fact that the outer part of the volcano was destroyed as a result of the last earthquake, the magma source located under the caldera is fraught with considerable danger. And while thousands of tourists visiting this park annually admire its beauties, magma boils under their feet, threatening to break to the surface at any moment.

Watch the video: Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Monthly Update: June 3, 2019 (September 2024).

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