14 absolutely insane US dishes that make your appetite disappear forever

Everyone knows that American food is not healthy and healthy, but you can often hear the opinion that it is simply unreal appetizing and tasty. From time to time, even the most avid HLS man breaks down on some burger or french fries with cola. As it turned out, the famous American fast food is not all that America’s cuisine boasts. There are many other very high-calorie and truly "wild" dishes, from the same type or name of which any foreigner will be swept by a wave of nausea. Now you will understand that burgers and fried potatoes are really sky-high tasty compared to this one.

Fried rattlesnake

This dish is especially popular in Texas.

Marinated pork legs

In the south, the US is considered a great snacking option.

Fried Coca-Cola

Flour, eggs and a glass of cola are mixed and fried. One can only imagine what comes of this.

Donut Sandwich

Lunch with dessert, two in one.

Pie with chips "Frito"

Very spicy meat, cheese and corn chips.

Alligator sausages

Hot dogs with such sausages are very common in New Orleans.

Sweet potato puree baked with marshmallows

This, in general, is the whole recipe.

"Trash plate"

This is a salad of cooked pasta with mayonnaise or beans, french fries, cheeseburger or hot dog, chicken, ham and cheese. Plus mustard, slices of bread, ketchup, onions and signature spicy sauce.

Coca-Cola with Peanuts

A wonderful cocktail from the southern states.

Cheese Spray

What comes out of this jar and resembles a thick cheese sauce, actually does not contain cheese at all. It is completely artificial.

Rocky Mountain Oysters

In fact, these are the testicles of bulls, rams or pigs, fried in flour, salt and pepper.

Pickled cucumbers soaked in fruit powder brine (Kool-Aid)

Probably, pregnant women came up with this.

Fried butter

Chunks of butter, sliced ​​in sugar and cinnamon, frozen and fried.

And again fried. Now snickers

Snickers is dipped in a special mixture, fried in a pan, and before serving, pour caramel and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Watch the video: I Have Absolutely NO Appetite - Do I Eat? (September 2024).

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