Erupting Kilauea: Fantastic Beauty Volcano Hawaiian Goddess

The mighty Kilauea volcano is located in Hawaii and is considered the most active among all the active volcanoes of the planet, although it is very young. No wonder his name translates as "belching." Kilauea is a shield volcano with a caldera 4 kilometers long. It itself extends upward from sea level at 1247 meters, and its base goes to the very bottom of the Pacific Ocean. So in fact, its height is about 6800 meters. In 1912, scientists from the Hawaiian Volcanic Observatory began to closely monitor the activity of this volcano.

According to legends, Kilauea is the home of the Hawaiian goddess Pele volcanoes. Perhaps that is why the local landscapes are so divine.

Currently, according to the information of the Situation and Crisis Center (DSCC) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the "orange" danger level is still preserved in the Hawaiian Islands, since Kilauea eruptions may recur. However, today we would like to show you the artistic side of the eruption of the Hawaiian volcano.

Watch the video: Three Hagens & Pele Hawaiian Volcano Kilauea Goddess (September 2024).

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