Unbelievably beautiful pictures of abandoned places from Kim Zira

How to convey through the photograph the character and grandeur of a place that has been deprived of human care for many years? Make beautiful decayed houses and rooms, once shone with luxury and gloss, not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. And to make sure that the person who is looking at the photo wants to be in every place presented, pass his palm along the dusty piano, sit in the first row of an abandoned theater, walk through the rooms of a dilapidated castle - exceptional skill is needed here.

Kim Zir, a photographer, retoucher and explorer of abandoned buildings from New Jersey, undoubtedly possessed such skill. In his works, abandoned houses, theaters and small chapels come to life in a fantastic way, luring us to visit.

Watch the video: Robert Swan: Let's save the last pristine continent (September 2024).

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