20 incredibly powerful black and white photos of Jason M. Peterson

It is said that practice leads to excellence, which is why photographer Jason M. Peterson is probably already very close to him. For the past 25 years, Peterson has been taking black and white photographs, constantly expanding the boundaries of what is possible. The result of his tireless work was 1 million Instagram followers and worldwide recognition.

"As for me, my photos are not about black and white photography at all, - says the photographer. - I try to capture human emotions, to make the viewer feel something. Black and white helps to focus on these emotions, color is one of those things that makes it difficult to see the feeling. "

Peterson is an expert in the play of shadows and lights, interesting angles and composition of the picture. His portfolio contains a huge number of photographs, including city landscapes and street photographs. These are bold, graphic, visually powerful narrative shots that give true aesthetic pleasure.

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