Forecasts by Stephen Hawking: what future the scientist predicted in our civilization

Humanity is powerless against artificial intelligence

Stephen Hawking warned the world against further attempts to improve artificial intelligence. The scientist believed that the creation of full-fledged artificial intelligence will lead to the death of mankind. When artificial intelligence is capable of self-improvement and reproduction, it will become a new form of life on the planet, and a person simply will not be able to compete with it.

Global warming will destroy the Earth and turn it into Venus

Stephen Hawking was an active fighter against increasing greenhouse gas emissions and believed that global warming was a serious threat to the planet and humanity as a whole. The scientist warned: if the situation with warming does not change in the near future, then after 200-500 years on the planet irreversible processes will begin that will lead to the fact that the Earth will resemble Venus, which is always very hot and acid rains.

Overpopulation of the planet is a real threat to human well-being

The population of our planet is growing exponentially, and this fact greatly bothered the English scientist. Hawking believed that humanity was approaching a disaster associated with a lack of resources and global environmental problems.

Earthlings need to look for a new planet for development and the faster the better

Hawking had rather pessimistic views on the future of human civilization. The scientist believed that terrestrial civilization in the form in which it exists now is doomed to death. The physicist called for space exploration and the search for a new planet on which people can settle.

Meeting with aliens does not bode well

Among the thoughts of Stephen Hawking, you can find statements about meeting with an alien mind. The scientist believed that if our planet was discovered by representatives of alien civilizations, this would mean that they have a much higher level of technology development. Hawking compared the outcome of this meeting with the colonization of America, where the civilization of earthlings acts as the indigenous population.

Stephen Hawking's main thoughts about the future of human civilization are rather pessimistic. But these are the thoughts of an outstanding person who made a great contribution to the development of science, and they should be listened to. Of course, you should not take everything so tragically, but this is an occasion to think and try to prevent what Stephen Hawking warned about.

Watch the video: The World As Told By Stephen Hawking (September 2024).

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