Impressive Florida House of Miracles created by a man who thought he was dying

In the 1920s, construction contractor and stone trader Conrad Schuck lived in Pittsburgh, PA, with his wife and nine children. But his whole life turned upside down when doctors made him a fatal diagnosis. At the same time, they said that he could extend his existence for a couple of years if he moved to a place with a warmer climate. Then he took his large family, and together they moved to the state of Florida. There, in the city of Bartow, Conrad decided to build his dream home. The man thought he was dying, so he tried to finish everything as soon as possible.

Given the tight deadlines, the project he conceived was unusually ambitious. The mansion was planned to be 3-story, with walls 45 centimeters thick, made of concrete reinforced with steel rails. At that time, Shuk did not even imagine that he would build his house with his sons for another 13 years, that the people would call the building "House of Miracles" and he would be admired for a very, very long time.

In the meantime, Konrad Shuk was only thinking about the realization of his architectural dream. He designed the mansion in the shape of a cross, and each room overlooked two verandas. Thus, drafts were obtained that cooled the house. For the same purpose, special channels were created in the structure of the house through which rain water flowed. It was also used to irrigate the garden. The garden itself deserves a standing ovation. It housed a beautiful pond with carps, and above it - two concrete bridges 9 meters long each.

The walls of the mansion were decorated with glass and tile, and hand-carved and mosaic invariably added a sense of fabulousness to the building. However, the house is really full of miracles. For example, right on the porch of the third floor is a small picturesque pond.

The creator himself was unusually proud of his brainchild. He introduced it to the public in 1934, and since then this place has become one of the most popular tourist attractions. However, after the death of his master, and he, despite a terrible medical prognosis, lived to be 94 years old, the miracle house saw many new owners, until in 2015 he finally fell into disrepair. However, now he was bought by lawyer Drew Davis, who, judging by his statements, intends to restore the “House of Miracles” and restore its former glory.

Watch the video: ABSOLUTE MIRACLE !!! Jet falls from the sky. Man yells out in Jesus name. (October 2024).

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