10 good reasons to visit Nice

Nice is one of the most magnificent cities in France. Its charming streets, cozy and lovely cafes, breathtakingly beautiful architecture and unforgettable luxurious beaches will not leave indifferent any traveler and connoisseur of beauty. And if you are still not convinced that it is simply necessary to visit here, then here are 10 reasons after which you will have no doubt!

Push the boat into the water

Here you can swim with whales, go on a sea tour to see celebrity possessions, swim from Cannes to the island of Saint Margherite, where a man in an iron mask was imprisoned "; or to Saint Honor, where the monks prepare Limoncello. Or choose something else from the many different options for unforgettable sea voyages.

The art of matter

Here you will find a huge number of museums and galleries dedicated to Picasso, Chagall and Matisse, as well as extravagant galleries of modern art. And you can visit the city of artists Saint-Paul-de-Vence.

Southern cuisine

Nice's Old Town is by far the best place to try local specialties. In addition, here you can take several culinary lessons right at the local market, where they will show you how to properly cook your favorite foods.

Multi-touch experience

Having visited the market of Chur Salei, you will learn about the importance of handicraft products and visit a confectionery with sweets, the main ingredients of which are flowers. And during a short trip to the city of Grasse you will be told how flowers turn into perfumes.

Cannes movie season

In addition to the famous May Film Festival, there are many attractions associated with the global film industry.

The tiny principality of Monaco

Given the size of this luxurious principality, the main attractions can be seen in one day. In addition to the port with stunning yachts, the palace and the tomb of Princess Grace, the place is famous for its excellent shopping opportunities, first-class restaurants and cafes.


Despite the fact that there are no sandy beaches in Nice, the cobblestones will become smaller and smaller as you move to the port in Antibes. But relaxing on a deck chair on one of Nice's low-cost private beaches can be simply unforgettable.

Flora and fauna

Phoenix Park, located near the airport, has one of the largest greenhouses in the world with stunning theme gardens. In addition, the park is a habitat for unusual motley birds, insects and fish, as well as reptiles requiring tropical climatic conditions.

Bike, skate and hiking

A walk along the famous Promenade des Anglais today is no less inspiring than it has been over the past centuries. But modern tourists can also choose for themselves alternative ways of moving around this place.

Night at the Opera

If you are looking for a reason to “walk your best evening dresses, you can’t find anything better than going to the famous opera. You can’t pay too much for tickets if you order them in advance and are ready to sit on the balcony.

Watch the video: 10 Reasons Why You Need to Visit Cyprus (September 2024).

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