10 shocking museums of the world, a visit to which will leave you with a lasting impression

Museums were created so that as many people as possible could get closer and examine in more detail the rarest exhibits in completely different areas. Here we find both man-made rarities and creations of nature, brilliant objects of art and things that have arisen as a result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. However, this does not mean at all that a visit to the museum is always exciting. But there are museums in the world, a visit to which will leave an indelible mark on the imagination of any person, because the subject matter of these exhibitions is simply unthinkable!

The Mutter Museum (Philadelphia, USA) presents human skulls and antique medical devices.

The Broken Relationship Museum in Croatia maintains a register of our broken hearts.

Phallus Museum in Reykjavik - not for shy.

The Mexican city of Cancun has an unparalleled underwater museum.

And at the International Museum of Cryptozoology, located in American Portland, everything is focused around pseudoscience.

There is a museum in Japan whose only theme is instant ramen noodles.

English Dog Collar Museum in Kent.

This is what the exhibits of the Turkish Hair Museum in Avanos look like.

Micropia is a Dutch museum, and the main theme here is microbes.

In Texas, you can go to the museum of toilet seats.

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