As a pilot of the USSR became the leader of an Indian tribe and changed his name to Piercing Fire

The incredible story of the Soviet pilot Ivan Datsenko, who allegedly became the leader of the Canadian tribe of Indians, is for many only a myth, but for others it’s the pure truth. The facts are full of contradictions and secrets, and the witnesses, as well as the participants in the events themselves, have not survived for a long time, so no one can prove or refute this theory today.

It all started in 1944. It was then that the Ukrainian soldier flew out for the next mission, but never returned. For years, everyone considered him a missing hero, until the dancer Mahmud Esambaev, who arrived in Canada for performances, returned with a story that shocked the whole country. According to him, when he was taken on an excursion to an Indian reservation, there he met a leader named Piercing Fire, who told him that he had once come here in search of work and started a family, but he missed his homeland - Ukraine. The leader was immediately associated with the name of the deceased Ivan Datsenko, because he looked so much like him.

Around this fantastic sensation, an excitement instantly arose. Everyone was shocked by the news, everyone wanted to find out the truth. Stories began to circulate that the Soviet pilot was able to survive a plane crash, but was captured by the Germans. He was given a chance to escape, and he miraculously ended up in Canada, where he began a new life by a different person.

Later, a film about an amazing pilot-leader was even made. True, the director in it also failed to come close to a solution.

Some researchers, having studied photographs of Ivan and a Canadian Indian, concluded that this is the same person. Others, on the contrary, claimed that Datsenko cannot be Piercing Fire, because a leader with this name took part in the opening of the Indian Museum in 1936, when the young Ukrainian was just starting his military career in the USSR. At the same time, the reference book “Heroes of the Soviet Union”, published at the beginning of the 21st century, does not say that the Ukrainian pilot went missing, it says that he died on an Indian reservation in Canada.

In other words, this amazing story is literally overwhelmed by disagreements, so it is up to you to believe in it or not, because it is no longer possible to find out the truth.

Watch the video: The Price of Peace - Full Video (October 2024).

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