What the end of the world will look like: 16 miniatures about the post-apocalypse from an American

What do you think the end of the world will look like? An artist from Brooklyn constantly thinks about it and even creates incredible post-apocalyptic scenes. No, there are no wars with zombies or deadly infected: on its miniatures there is no trace of human presence, it seems that humanity has generally remained in the past. Lori spent her childhood in Kansas, where residents are used to tornadoes. This left an indelible imprint, now the artist reflects in her masterpieces the consequences of Armageddon. All her works are tiny miniatures where every detail is worked out: from torn wallpapers to a small dinosaur skeleton. After Laurie creates another masterpiece, she photographs it. And, it seems, these scenes could ideally fit into the next film about post-apocalypse and serve as a decoration for it, if they were not so small.

Metro after a sand storm.

Laundry. About such shots I remember Lori from childhood.

A museum or did dinosaurs appear to remind you of your strength?

The power plant, which was apparently hit by a flood.

When nature takes over.

Nyx explores the end of the world in his fantasy. Casino.

Creation of the next masterpiece.

A bar in which chaos reigns.

Chaos that has captured everyday life.

The library tornado hit. Or did a meteor fall?


Moldy walls, globes on which moss grows.

A church that no longer has a grandiose ceiling.

Shopping center, which now looks more like the tropics.

Chinese eatery, where now only an old moped and trash on the floor are takeaway.

An abandoned theater, frightening with its gloom.

Watch the video: What If Only 100 People Existed on Earth? (October 2024).

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