10 most fantastic places on earth from a girl who has been everywhere

We already wrote about the wonderful and unique girl Cassie de Pecall. It is unique in that it is the first woman in the history of mankind who has visited each of the 196 countries on our planet! All this took her 18 months. Today we want to share with you a rating of the most wonderful countries in the world, in which Cassie especially recommends visiting at all costs. And this traveler, you see, has something to compare.


"It is worth coming here in order to be alone with the pristine nature and see wild horses. Mongolia turned out to be the most amazing and pacifying place of all that I happened to see on the expedition."


The journey to the Tigress’s Nest Monastery was like something from the Avatar. I walked along a narrow path between low-hanging clouds. Prayer flags wavered among pine trees, prayer wheels rotated in the wind. Crossing a bridge over a waterfall, I got into a room where there was absolutely one. Having tiptoed past burning oil candles and sacred relics, I stopped at the window to enjoy a view of the Himalayan Valley from a height of 2,000 feet. "


"Here is the bluest water, the whitest sand and the most beautiful coast."


"Here you can watch the preparation of cava and meet the kindest people in the world."


"In Pakistan, you can feel the spirit of the true culture of Asia. And here is great food!"


"To be among the deserts and mountains, surrounded by locals whose lifestyle is completely different from ours, it is so great!"


"Here you can feel the whole spirit of North Africa. And here is just an incredible number of ancient architectural monuments. And the city of Sidi Bou Said, located 20 km from the capital of Tunisia, just turned my head!"


"The rainforests of Amazonia, the city of Aguas Calientes and the ruins of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu make Peru one of my favorite places in the world."

Costa Rica

"Monkeys, fresh fruit, great music and volcanoes ... Well, what else can I say?"


"Autumn in New England is something everyone should feel."

Watch the video: Places No Human Has Ever Set Foot on Earth (September 2024).

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