At first it seems that there is only a tree, but in fact it is a masterpiece of art

The Dongyang wood carving technique was created in China during the reign of the Tang Dynasty. However, even after many centuries, magnificent ancient art was not lost, but has survived to this day and is even successfully practiced. Despite the fantastic complexity, the craftsmen continue to amaze the world with their works. A special place is occupied by the works of Zheng Chunghui.

From afar, at first glance, it might seem that the audience is presented with an ordinary tree saw cut. But as soon as you get closer, breathtaking delight. It turns out that a real picture is carved on the trunk, and its detail is amazing.

It took the master 4 whole years to create this masterpiece 12 meters long. In total, the composition has 550 heroes, but how many trees, buildings and other objects there are simply not counted. Each detail is carved with such painstaking clarity that people can see their faces, leaves on the trees, and shingles on the roofs of houses.

A unique work of art can be viewed for hours. However, the Chinese craftsman received recognition not only from visitors to the exhibition, his brainchild even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Watch the video: Minecraft 3D 1994 Exclusive footage (September 2024).

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