14 strangest travel-related phobias

We all have our own little phobias, whether we admit it or not. Some of them are well known, such as arachnophobia (fear of spiders) or fear of flying, which, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, affects 6.5% of Americans. But other phobias are quite bizarre! We made a list of the strangest phobias associated with travel, and also selected for each of them a place in the world that should be avoided or where the other way would be worth going to overcome your fear.


What is it: fear of piercing and cutting objects

Take a chance to visit: Seattle Space Needle Tower, which was built for the 1962 World Expo. The height of the structure is 184 meters, and the weight reaches 9,550 tons.


What is it: fear of wild animals

Take a chance to visit: Tarangire National Park in Tanzania, which boasts a huge number of animals living in the wild. Here you can find zebras, wildebeests, buboles and, oh yes, incredible herds of elephants!


What is it: fear of severe cold

Take a chance to visit: Ice hotel in Lapland. He has been successfully doing business in the cold since 1989. The first hotel in the world, made of ice, was designed for 40 rooms, there was a bar and a church. All this took 45 thousand tons of frozen materials.


What is it: fear of long words

Take a chance to visit: "The city of angels, a great city, a city - an eternal treasure, an impregnable city of God Indra, a majestic capital of the world endowed with nine precious stones, a happy city full of abundance, a grandiose Royal Palace reminiscent of a divine abode, where reincarnated god reigns, a city donated by Indra and built Visvakarman "- this is the translation of the official name of the city of Bangkok, consisting of 167 letters, which makes it the longest word in the world.


What is it: fear of long waiting

Take a chance to visit: Disneyland's Space Mountain ride, which has the longest line up. Although roller coaster fans are not paying attention to the two-hour wait.


What is it: fear of sunlight

Take a chance to visit: Yuma, Arizona. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the city is the sunniest place on Earth. Of the possible 4456 hours of sunshine per year, the sun shines in Yuma for about 4050 hours, or about 93% of the time. Most travelers dream of such weather.


What is it: fear of lakes

Take a chance to visit: Migis Lodge Hotel on Lake Sebeigo in Southern Maine. The length of the lake is 19 km, the area is -117 km², and the maximum depth is 96 m, while the bottom of the lake at this depth is 15 m below sea level.


What is it: fear of smells

Take a chance to visit: Durian festival in Thailand dedicated to the most foul-smelling fruit in the world. In fact, it exudes such a vile smell, comparable only to the smell of smelly socks or rotten meat that in some countries it was banned from being transported by public transport.


What is it: fear of escalators

Take a chance to visit: Hong Kong Street Escalator (Central Mid Levels). It was opened in 1993. It is the longest escalator in the world. Its length is 800 m, and it rises to a height of 135 m. To call it simply an "escalator" would be a mistake, because this is a whole system of overpasses.


What is it: fear of old buildings and ruins

Take a chance to visit: The Golden House of Nero in Rome, the House of chaste lovers in Pompeii and its old frescoes. Each of the buildings collapses over time, which makes them real ruins.


What is it: fear of the wind

Take a chance to visit: Port Martin in Antarctica, the windiest place in the world. Here, about 100 days a year, the wind blows at a speed of 40 km / h.


What is it: fear of being left without a mobile phone, without communication

Take a chance to visit: Treebones Resort, Big Sur (CA), where you will not find the following things: children under 6 years old, pets, bathrooms and mobile phones.


What is it: fear of crossing the street

Take a chance to visit: Crossroads in the Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo. He is the most congested in the world. The green traffic light here is lit for pedestrians from four sides at once, and huge crowds literally rush towards each other along the “zebras”.


What is it: fear of travel (most often traveling)

Take a chance to visit: Dalton Highway in Alaska with a total length of 666 km. It is one of the most dangerous roads in the world, because along it there are only three settlements. Even experienced travelers are advised to think twice before heading there.

Watch the video: WHAT ARE PHOBIAS & WHY DO WE HAVE THEM! (October 2024).

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